My Family LOVES pepper steak. It’s one of our favorite meals. But the stir fry meat is pricey! I got to thinking- why is the same beef more expensive whole than sliced? Labor of course! So, why not do that labor myself than paying the meat department?
I saw this in the store the other day- $4.99/lb for the whole thin steaks or $6.99/lb for the same meat but sliced up! $2 more a pound? Outrageous (to me anyway!)
SO I had some small steaks in my freezer and cut it upself! It was JUST as good as when I used to buy the pre-sliced king (and you know I never paid full price for it anyway!) The other great thing about buying the full meat and cutting it myself it is more versatile. I can make steaks, I can make stir fry and more – just by how I cut it up myself!
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