Here are 5 places you may have been missing coupons!
1. Doctors and Dentist Office. Many companies will try and promote their products through the medial community! I’ve found Lysol brand coupons at my doctor’s office and toothpaste and other oral care coupons at my Dentist’s office. If they don’t have them out for you to peruse (mine has a basket at check out) ask them! Many will have stacks and stack’s they have no idea what to do with! Don’t forget the vets office for pet products!
2. The Beer Aisle. In NC, beer/alcohol companies cannot offer coupons or rebates on their products. instead they will offer coupons on chips, produce, meat, snacks and more. Many people mistakenly think they will have to buy the beer to use the coupon but they often don’t! Read the fine print and you may be surprised!
3. Magazines. Lots of magazines have great coupons in it! There are many including Good Housekeeping, Weight Watchers and Red Book often include manufacturer coupons! Not always but it doesn’t hurt to look!
4. The Gas Station. My friend is always finding amazing coupons at her local gas station! Most of them are ones we never see in the newspaper or grocery stores!
5. Your email. Signing up with companies is a super way to get access to amazing coupons. For example- today Kelloggssent me 50¢ off ANY one Poptart and 50¢ off ANY one Cheez it. How perfect for Triple Coupons! Here is a list of manufacturers that offer email subscriptions. No promises on coupons but it’s a good place to start! Also be sure to use a dedicated email just for coupons! Be sure to contact your favorite brands and just ASK- I have a list of 300+ companies to contact here.
Where else have you found unexpected coupons???
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