Here are the eVIC member only offers running 3/12- 3/18
eVIC Member Only offers are hard limits- meaning the limit 4 is total for the entire week.
- You must buy all of the offer you want at once or lose the remainder. For example if you buy 2 morsels, you forfeit the discount on the other 2.
Harris Teeter 3/12- 3/18
Do you know why I sometimes get E-vic member only offers and sometimes i don’t when i check out? It is very random. I thought it was because i went to store not listed on “my store” in my account but it was not the case. Thank you!
you can’t count on their special pricing or e-coupons to work. Sometimes it may be legit, perhaps we buy the wrong size or type. But many, many times it’s a system problem on their part. I always include any special pricing or e-coupon info on my shopping list. After checkout, I look closely at the receipt before leaving the store and go right to customer service if any problems. They refund on the spot. It helps to pull up the info for them on your phone. Use the harris teeter app for the best experience. It’s good for price checking in the store as well.
Has anyone had problems with coupons not doubling.
I had a .55 off coupon (and the coupon did not say not to double)
But it didn’t so I went to customer service.
At customer service she said that it only doubles up to .99 and because 1.10 was over .99 then it couldn’t be doubled which had me scratching my head. I tried to explain to her their policy but her reply was they had training and that is the way it is. So she refused to double it.
I called corporate and the rep agreed with my interpretation and was going to email the manager so that they could be retrained.
Will see
You know these things weren’t like this before Kroger bought them out.