We have all been there on the day where you desperately needed a few dollars just for gas, milk or some other necessity and it was too far to pay day to make it. Here are 5 Ways To Make Cash Today that have no upfront monetary cost. These aren’t things you can do on a daily basis but are things you can run to on occasion to help put a few much needed dollars into your empty pockets.
- RAID YOUR CLOSET. Head to the closet and get rid of those new with tags jeans and sweaters you keep convincing yourself you will fit into again one day. Name brand clothing that is new with tags or gently used can quickly be sold to consignment stores, thrift shops, on Craigslist and on local online swap shops. Check Facebook for a local to you swap shop you can list it on or look into local yahoo swap shops you can list items for sale. Pull out the clothes your child just outgrew and offer up on a Facebook yard sale group.
- PAWN ELECTRONICS OR JEWELRY. Pawn shops are always looking for newer model electronics and high quality jewelry. You can sell outright and not have to worry about monthly payments or simply pawn the item and come back at a later date to pay it off and take it back home. Commonly pawned items are flat screen TV’s, Blu-Ray players, Blu-Ray DVD’s, DVD’s, high quality power tools, gold and diamond jewelry, guns and musical instruments and equipment such as car stereos and amps. This is probably the most common way to make money quickly any day. You won’t get close to the actual value for the items but if it’s an emergency it might be necessary to sacrifice that Playstation.
- CHECK EVERYWHERE: You might be amazed at how much money you could scrounge up. All those quarters under the seats in the car, cash hidden in the cushions of the couch. Check the pockets of your jackets (I found $20 there once when I was putting them away for the summer!). Check old purses, the laundry room, everywhere!
- CLEAN OFF THE BOOKSHELF AND VIDEO GAMES: Some used book stores will offer cash for books (generally they must be newer released books) and video games. They often offer a higher value in store credit- but most offer cash as well.
- DONATE PLASMA. Not every location will be willing to pay, but many areas are in desperate need of plasma and are willing to pay from $25-$50 for donations. This will also be dependent upon your own overall health. Check the yellow pages for donations centers near you and call to see if they are currently paying for donations.
When you have to make money today, there are always ways in your own home you can come up with some quick cash. Don’t forget you always have the option of offering services such as babysitting or housekeeping to your friends and family when you are in a real pinch as well.
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