My daughter gave me 2 rabbits as a gift. I decided I wanted them to be indoors so I would be sure to pay attention to them. My husband and I got to work right away on an indoor Rabbit Cage.
- 1×1’s (enough to frame out the cage) Mine is 2 ft W x 5 ft L x 2ft T
- 2×4’s for legs (Mine are 42″T)
- 2″ thin trim
- Welded Wire Fencing (Must be welded and have holes no larger than 2″)
- Hinges for the Door (Make it large enough to be able to clean the inside of the cage)
- Latches for the door
- 2″ screws
- Staples to attach the wire
- Plastic Rabbit Mat to cover the wire floor (The mats protect the rabbits feet and still allow waste to fall thru to the tray)
- Plastic Tray to catch droppings (I used a tray made for the bottom of a dog crate)
- Thin plywood to make a shelf (I made an opening under the shelf to put litter boxes for them to use as well. You can litter train rabbits and mine have decided to use the litter boxes for urine so it makes it easier to cleanup)
- Water Bottle
- Hay Holder
- Food Bowl
- Toys (Rabbits need things to do)
- Timothy Hay
- Rabbit Food
We made a large frame the size we wanted. Next, we made individual frames (the bottom, the top, the sides and each piece beside the door and then the door) to attach the wire and then attached each framed out piece to the large frame with the 2″ screws. We used the thin 2″ trim to cover up where the large frame and the frames with the wire are attached.
Attach the hardware, the mats and other rabbit items and you are ready to introduce your rabbit to his new home!
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