My children had their checkups at the pediatrician the other day and I noticed a basket near the receptionists desk FULL of brochures and little trial sized samples. I asked the receptionist about them and she told me to take as many as I wanted because they have boxes of those types of things in the closet.
I ended up leaving with a few booklets of Lysol coupons, a few samples of band aids, Neosporin and a few other odds and ends.
Then my daughter needed to have some teeth pulled to make room for braces (*sigh*) and there too was a basket of coupons and samples! Not including the bag they gave her when she left with a toothbrush, paste, coupons and more!
So my tip is: Keep your eyes open in the medical offices you visit- many times representatives of these companies give them free samples and coupons to share with their patients!
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